Frequently Asked Questions

All cookies are individually heat sealed in bags and boxed for easy transport.

The cookies are baked in a home kitchen that is inspected and certified by the State of Maine DOA. This kitchen is used to process foods with common allergens (tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, dairy, eggs, soy, and shellfish). If you have an allergy to any of the items listed, please note that cross contamination is a possibility as items are produced using the same (washed) tools and surfaces as non-allergen friendly options, and that trace oils may remain on tools and surfaces used in production.

Cookies can be frozen in their heat sealed bags and placed into a tightly closed plastic container for months. To enjoy at a later date, simply take the entire container from the freezer the day before you plan to enjoy, leaving the lid sealed overnight, and open the following day. This process will reduce the risk of condensation building up as well as any damage to design.

A half deposit is required at the time of booking and a final payment is due one week prior to pickup/delivery/shipping. All initial deposits are non-refundable.